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GFS Countries - LIBERIA

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The Liberian society is a friendly society. A society where it’s former President happened to be the first female African Head of State. The Liberia society is patriarchal in nature.  We envisage a need of balancing the equilibrium between patriarchal and matriarchy. We envision G.F.S. as a fulcrum to create that balance.


When a flower transfers its pollen grains from the male anthers of a flower to the female stigma, it’s called pollination. The goal of every living organism including plants is to create offspring for the next generation. One of the ways plants can produce is by making seeds.


Like all flowers, G.F.S has the responsibility of cross pollinating and transferring its seeds (resources, skills) to empower its flowers (girls and young women). On this basis, G.F.S will:


Choose to empower, for in empowerment there is authority and power

for girls and young women.

Encourage because in encouragement, girls and young women

find comfort and strength.

Train girls and young women, for in training,

we find knowledge as a key to any hard door.

Build confidence for girls and young women, for confidence

handles the worst situations.

Educate girls and young women, for in education ignorance is buried.


Thelma E. Duncan Sawyer



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